Russound is proud to announce the release of an important new update to the Russound app. Version 1.3 of the Russound app introduces support for MCA-C5, MCA-C3, DMS-3.1, XStream X5, and SMS-3



As we move towards our goal of replacing the previous "My Russound" app with the new "Russound" App, today's update allows users to control many more Russound devices, including the legacy devices: MCA-C5, MCA-C3, DMS-3.1, XStream X5, and even the SMS-3 which now offers basic control through the Now Playing screen. 
In addition to this, we have made enhancements to the stability and connectivity of the Russound App as well as minor bug fixes to ensure our users' enjoyment of their Russound audio system.
The app is available now on both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.  If you already have the app, it should update automatically, but you can also use these links to get the latest version now.

We hope you are enjoying the new app and all of its innovative features and encourage each of you to take a moment to rate and review the app on either the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store and encourage your customers to do so as well.


Download the new Russound app here:



Thank you for your support of Russound and its products

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