Current Product Drivers
MCA-66 Driver: russound_mca-66.c4i
MCA-88 Driver: russound_mca-88.c4i
MBX-AMP Driver: russound_mbx-amp.c4z
MBX-PRE Driver (Source Mode): russound_mbx-pre_source_mode.c4z
MBX-PRE Driver (Zone Mode): russound_mbx-pre_zone_mode.c4z
Download Current Control4 Drivers Here: Control4_Russound_Current_45.zip

Legacy Product Drivers
MCA-88X Drivers: Note: The MCA-88X requires two drivers, one for the audio matrix switching and one for the internal streamer. The internal streamer is pre-configured as Source 2 on the MCA-88X.
Driver 1 - Audio Matrix Switching Driver: russound_mca_88x.c4i
Driver 2 - Internal Streamer Driver:russound_mca_stream.c4z
XSource Drivers:
Source Mode - Use this driver when the XSource is configured for Source Mode for use WITH a Russound controller: russound_xsource_source_mode.c4z
Zone Mode - Use this driver when the XSource is configured in Zone Mode for use WITHOUT a Russound controller: russound_xsource_zone_mode.c4z
XZone4 Driver: russound_xzone4.c4z
XZone70V Driver: russound_xzone70v.c4z
DMS-3.1 Driver: Note: The DMS-3.1 MUST be used as a source component with a Russound controller. russound_dms31.c4z
X5 Driver: russound_x5.c4z
Download Legacy Control4 Drivers Here: Control4_Russound_Legacy_45.zip